
Starlight Paediatrics

+44 (0) 20 8426 4514

The Portland Hospital W1W 5QT 234 Great Portland Street London

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+44 (0) 20 8426 4514


The Portland Hospital Consulting Suite

234 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5QT

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Our Services

Outpatient Consultations

Clinics run from Monday to Saturday and cover every aspect of Neonatal Paediatrics and General Paediatrics. Our clinicians will also provide specialist Paediatric Endocrinology and Paediatric Diabetes consultations and we have special expertise in managing complex paediatric cases with a multi-disciplinary team approach. If you have a child with a rare, multisystem or complex medical problem, we can manage medical care as in-patient.

Newborn baby checks

If you’ve recently given birth, our new-born baby checks can provide peace of mind and all the support you need to see you through those early months. If you’re at the Portland Hospital we can provide daily medical reviews while you’re on the postnatal ward. If your baby was born elsewhere, we can offer this service through our outpatient clinic.

Day case endocrine investigations

If you’re suffering with endocrinal issues, our team can arrange and supervise specialist day case endocrine dynamic tests including LHRH tests, HCG tests, Synacthen tests and oral glucose tolerance tests.

Remote consultations

We know how busy life can be, which is why we offer the opportunity to have remote consultations by telephone, Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Skype. All you need is a reliable internet connection and we can schedule an appointment at your convenience.With the current Coronavirus crisis, our remote consultation services help you get the medical advice you need without leaving the comfort and safety of your own home.

Childhood immunisations

We follow the UK immunisation schedule and, where possible, administer additional vaccines as requested and as per other countries’ immunisation schedules.

Second medical opinion

If you would like a second opinion on a diagnosis or treatment plan, we can offer a detailed review of the medical file followed by a full written report. If needed, we can seek out the opinions of other paediatric sub-specialists and, on request, can also provide a face-to-face or remote consultation to discuss the medical report.

Routine check-ups

We can be there to help with the everyday health and wellbeing of your child. Our team can carry out routine physical examinations for babies, infants, children and young adults up to the age of 18 years who are in good health. With this service, we help you keep your family healthy and happy.

In-patient medical care

We provide on-going medical care for patients admitted with acute medical illnesses. Children requiring admission would have usually been assessed in our clinic or would have been referred by their General Practitioner for admission. We also accept interhospital transfers, both nationally and internationally. We have special expertise in managing complex multisystem paediatric cases where a multidisciplinary team approach is essential. We also provide in-patient medical care and coordinate the overall medical treatment of children undergoing neurorehabilitation.

Overseas consultations

If you are based overseas we can provide consultation. Get in touch with our team to discuss what you need.

Neonatal paediatrics

Routine checks, jaundice, colic, feeding issues, reflux, rashes, infections, food allergies, vomiting, excessive crying, vaccinations, poor weight gain, constipation, dry skin, developmental problems.

General paediatrics

All childhood infections, fever, earache, coughs and colds, wheezing, diarrhoea, vomiting, rashes, food and other allergies, vaccinations, growth concerns, headaches, abdominal pain, constipation, aches and pains, excessive tiredness.

Paediatric Endocrinology

Growth concerns (too short or too tall), early or delayed puberty, thyroid problems (overactive or underactive), obesity, diabetes, low blood glucose, vitamin D deficiency, menstrual irregularities, excessive hair growth, acne.

Large network of paediatric specialists

We have a large network of paediatric specialists whom we can access
and refer to. These include: Allergy, Audiology, Cardiology, Dentistry, Dermatology, Endocrinology,ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Surgery, Gastroenterology, Genetics, General Surgery, Haematology, Infectious Diseases, Maxillofacial Surgery, Metabolic disorders, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurodevelopmental Paediatrics and Autism Specialists, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Respiratory, Rheumatology, Spinal Surgery and Urology.

We work closely with paediatric therapists, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, play therapy, lactation specialists, sleep therapists and podiatrists. We also have access to Child Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology and Child Psychiatry services.

No. of Paediatric Specialities we have access to 31 0
No. of Paediatric Medical Consultants within our network 57 0
No. of Paediatric Surgical Consultants within our network 44 0