
Starlight Paediatrics

+44 (0) 20 8426 4514

The Portland Hospital W1W 5QT 234 Great Portland Street London

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+44 (0) 20 8426 4514


The Portland Hospital Consulting Suite

234 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5QT

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Covid-19 and children

Worried about the impact of Covid 19 on your children? Here are the key things you should know. Whilst the global Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on all of us and on many aspects of our lives, children have fortunately been little affected by direct infection of the SARS-Cov-2 virus. The vast majority of children who catch the virus have mild or no symptoms. However, there have been rare exceptions...

My child is complaining of aching bones. How can I help, and what could it be?

Children will often complain of aching bones for no apparent reason. Here’s what lies behind their complaints. Is your child complaining of ‘aching bones’. This is often their way of expressing a pain in the limbs, usually in their legs. This can often be down to wear and tear from physical exercise and running around, but they often complain of pain for no apparent reason. Sometimes they may even wake...

What does the newborn baby check include

Every new-born baby undergoes a series of routine health checks. Here’s what they are and what to expect. When you give birth, your child will undergo a series of checks to make sure they are healthy and to screen for certain diseases. These will usually take place within 24 hours of birth and will include basic things such as birth weight and the circumference of the head on birth and...

What is the Immunisation Schedule?

When you’re bringing up a new child, you’ll encounter the UK immunisation schedule, but what is it and is it compulsory?  The UK immunisation schedule is a vaccination schedule including timings and doses.  It’s an important roadmap for keeping your child safe from many of the infections and diseases they may encounter. At Starlight Paediatrics, we always recommend following the UK immunisation schedule, but understand there may need to be room...

What medication to take with you when you travel

Travelling with sick or irritable children is no fun at all, so here are ten medications to take on your travels to make everyone’s lives a bit more bearable. At a time when the UK is under lockdown to counter Coronavirus it seems the height of optimism to talk about what medicine to take when you can travel. However, sooner or later the restrictions will lift and, when they do,...

What to do if you child has D & V

Diarrhoea and vomiting are very common symptoms in children of all ages. In most cases they are caused by a virus that affects the gut (gastroenteritis). However, occasionally, such illnesses are caused by bacteria or infections elsewhere in the body. They may also be due to food poising or food allergy Diarrhoea and vomiting are more serious in babies, infants and toddlers compared to older children. The younger age group are...

Taking Paracetamol and Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen and Paracetamol can both provide fast and effective relief from fever and pain, but it’s crucial to get the doses right. We’re all familiar with paracetamol and Ibuprofen, but people are often uncertain about the differences between them and when each should be taken. Our guide has everything you need to know. It is normally better to give paracetamol (which trades under Calpol for children) first in order to reduce a...